Basketball What was Allen thinking

parep2001 said:
why did he shoot a 3 they were down by 2 with 20 seconds left...terrible decision by Ray Allen.

Hes got a shooters mentality so I dont blame him for shooting it but I thought
Rondo taking a fadeaway three pointer at the end was a worse decision.
But anyway WWWOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOO WE WON!!!! lol How would of thought we would push it game seven. :):D
Celtics as a team made poor decisions in the 4th quarter so many times tonight.

I also dont blame Allen for shooting up 3 at the end.... Home team always hold better record in OT so might as well go for it...

Im also excited about the Game 7. I really want to see Hawks upsetting Celtics.... :)
Way to bounce back from the game 5 blowout.

If Ray thought he could make the shot then he gotta back himself.

What usually happens if the Celtics goes for the 2 pointer (not even sure if they would make that basket) is that the Hawks would run down the clock and a "have nothing to lose" shot for the winner in the dying seconds which the Celtics wouldn't have been able to do anything about.

If Ray made the 3 pointer, then the Celtics had the option of fouling the Hawks with a few seconds left to make another basket with the scores all squared up or one down depending on the Hawks free throws.

Most coaches (I think) prefer the second option so they can wrestle some control back instead of relying on the Hawks to miss their game winner and beating them in OT.

Those things happen :)

The pressure is on Celtics - lets see how their no playoff experience veterans handle it ;)
OH MY GOD! ATLANTA FORCES A GAME 7 IF THEY WIN this is the biggest upset seince DENVER beat the Sonics (you know...when Mutumbo was on the ground on his back screaming....) MAN that was SWEETTTTTTTTTTTTT!