Wanted David Dejesus/Mark Teahen + More


Bench Warmer
Looking for autos, patches, gu, or rookies of David Dejesus, Mark Teahen, John Buck, George Brett, Bo Jackson, and Mike Sweeney..let me know what you have.... I do have a small baseball trade list and bigger lists from all other sports. Also would be willing to buy at the right price! Thanks Stay tan.
I have a Bo Jackson GU but on a CWS uniform from 05 LCM FOTG /100
and have a Brett GU from 04 Leaf Limited. It is a Limited Threads Jersey/100.

LMK if interested in buying either or both.
I have this one, mainly looking to sell right now. Shoot me an offer:

#'d 052/199

pasttime do u have a list or site? I like Angels, Yankees, STL. Cardinals, and Dodgers GU mainly but will take a look or listen to what you have as far as GU are concerned.

Bone already have that Dejesus thanks though.

I'll list out what I have left of my baseball gu here a bit later tonight aight....as far as a site..just click on the ebay link..i have over 200 items up.