Football Vick to the Eagles

2 year??? what the heck for - no reason to sign him to anything over a year at this point - who know what type of FOOTBALL shape he will be in!
im all about it an im an eagles fan he has always been a good QB so I don't see why thats any diff now all i did whil ei was in jail was sit-ups and push ups im sure he is in plenty good shape. I'm stoked to say the least now we have a valuable back-up at the least
yes yes we do hey Vick is a great Qb we all know that if you don't then you shouldn't be talking football. Yeah he did some messed up things and paid the price I'm glad and he'll be there during the second half...very viable option
maybe they can try that 2 headed monster thing with mcnabb lol and he can also be used as a rb,pr heck toss him in at reciever and see what happens.Im just glad he's back I bought a lot of his autos before the dogfighting.
Wait,Vick is a great QB?? From what proof? His 53% completion percentage? His inability to pick up an offense?

The last thing Vick will ever be call is a great QB,and I can talk football all day long and DO know what I'm talking about hit the nail on the head....he was a decent QB at best......but one hell of an athlete.

after thinking about it longer I get the 2 year deal as he will only be eligible about 1/2 the year....but then I saw the terms of the deal and it is even more rediculous that I thought....1.6 for the first (will get about 1 mil) - and then 5.5 for the 2nd year?!?!?!?! are you freakin kidding me??? I don't know how much is guaranteed, but if it is more than 2 mil TOTAL the Eagles are taking a HUGE risk. Like I said before no one knows what type of FOOTBALL shape he is....and he is going the be a damn 3rd down receiver at best!
I don't know what either of your issues are with this I love the idea of having Vick as a back-up and yeah he is one hell of an athlete. Hell we can throw him in the wide reciever slot. And as I said before I'm sure he is good shape I know I kept myself in good shape while I was in and I'm not even an athlete. Everybody in philly even the broadcasters seem to agree with me on the and I'm sure Herm Edwards and those guys know what there talking about. Thats the last post I got for this topic take care all
Good fit. They needed a backup QB and they are used to relying on an African American QB from the Big East with a low football IQ. Think Vick knows there are ties in the NFL?
aoskwhite84 said:
I don't know what either of your issues are with this I love the idea of having Vick as a back-up and yeah he is one hell of an athlete. Hell we can throw him in the wide reciever slot. And as I said before I'm sure he is good shape I know I kept myself in good shape while I was in and I'm not even an athlete. Everybody in philly even the broadcasters seem to agree with me on the and I'm sure Herm Edwards and those guys know what there talking about. Thats the last post I got for this topic take care all

No issues with the signing, as not one penny of the money is guaranteed,so that was brilliant by Philly. My issue is with calling him a great QB,he's not.

Great athlete,yes. Great QB,not even close. Not one person who has commented on TV or radio has said he's a GREAT QB,and not one of them will as they,and anyone else with a clue knows he is not one