Football Urlacher fined $100,000 for Super Bowl hat


Bench Warmer
Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) - Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher was fined $100,000 by the NFL for wearing a cap during Super Bowl media day that promoted a sponsor not authorized by the league.

NFL rules prohibit gear that advertises any product but a designated sponsor, league spokesman Brian McCarthy said Wednesday.
Urlacher was fined for drinking vitaminwater and wearing a vitaminwater hat during the media session in Miami leading to the title game. Gatorade is the NFL's official drink.

McCarthy said this is the first time such a fine has been levied. He added that $100,000 is the standard fine for such a violation at the Super Bowl. A violation during the regular season is $10,000. It is $50,000 at the Pro Bowl.

The fine recalls an episode involving Chicago quarterback Jim McMahon in the playoffs following the 1985 season, the previous time the Bears made the Super Bowl.

McMahon wore a headband that said "adidas" in a playoff game against the New York Giants, and then-commissioner Pete Rozelle fined him $5,000 because the shoe company was not an NFL sponsor. The following week, in the NFC title game against the Los Angeles Rams, McMahon wore a headband that read "rozelle."
That's just a stupid rule. Maybe he wanted something better for him than Gatorade. Besides he's Urlacher...he does what he wants. And $100,000...that's just absurd. I understand they need to be loyal to sponsors, but I'm Gatorade is suffering so bad right now.
It may be stupid, but you should always read your contract, no matter how small and how stupid the rule, there was no reason for him to wear that. Do I think it is stupid....YES, do I think it is stupid he broke the dumb rule.....YES
snick103 said:
100,000 is nothing for him just a dime in the bucket

Sure enough, but its still a really archaic rule! The NFL + its teams are so greedy - they dont want to upset an potential sponsor so they are setting an example to secure their own wealth.