Upcoming Card Shows - Jackson Michigan


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
I will be setting up at the following Card Shows in Jackson Michigan this fall.

Stop by and see us! The wife and I enjoy meeting and chatting with our on-line family!

Sept 28 - 10-3 - American Legion Post 29, 3200 Lansing Ave, Jackson. MI 49202

Nov 9 - 9-3 - Jackson Fairground - Toy Collectible Show (NASCAR, Hotweels, sport Cards, Old Toys and more), 200 W. GANSON ST., JACKSON,MI 49203, Admission: $3.00 per person (OVER 162 Tables!)

Those are very cool shows. I went to something much like them over here in California. I hope to see something around here like them soon actually. I have been itching to get my hands on a few old Hotwheels. Congrats on your running of these events.
First show of the Fall Season is in two weeks! Can't wait!

Still looking to pickup cards for the shows... check out our wants in the NASCAR, Baseball and Football Forums.