Hockey UD or ITG

Who's products do you prefer

  • Upper Deck

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • In The Game

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters


Bench Warmer
Who do you like better producing your hockey cards. I can't stand UD I don't like their redemption proccess and the quality of their cards seem to have dropped since ITG didn't get their liscense back.

So I vote ITG
I am going to have to agree with hockey on this one, redemptions are becoming rediculous. I have been waiting on a card 4 months that says it has been shipped already. I called UD and they keep telling me to wait on it that is shows up as shipped. I mean seriously, if the card isn't available than why would they even issue it in the set? I dunno, just my thoughts on this.
redemptions......y don't they just call it "the waiting game that keeps screwing you"

ITG customer service is worse than UD's from my experience.
Bought a few boxes with guaranteed autos in each of them, and never got one. I contacted ITG through email and they basically said I was lieing and they put the right cooalation is every box. Still got the email from them.
I do like ITG as they try some different ideas and things...UD still has the best product and from the dozen of so experiences i've had with them they have amazing customer service. The one time I did have to wait for a card they gave me a card worth probably 10 times that value...not getting a P.K. Sam...yes *** is that..and getting a Joe Montana autograph instead..well worth waiting 6 months for. Otherwise I've gotten most of the items in under a month.
100% UD!!! Kutzy summed it up. I cracked around 3-4 cases of 02/03 Sig Series as I was doing the auto set. On the last box I busted all the reular auto's were replaced with buybacks. I was pretty upset as I was doing the set and to get none was just wrong since they were supposed to be 1 per pack. I emailed them and basically got called a liar and that that could never of happened but if it did that I should be happy that I got a buyback in every pack as they were worth more money on the secondary market. Number one I was doing the set and bought the box for the set auto in every pack not to resell on the secondary market and secondly, at the time, lots of people were doing the set and the regular autos were selling great. Needless to say after that email my set got broken up and sold.
I would have to go with In The Game myself as Well (ITG). They Produce a very nice card on good stock... The People that run it ITG care about there product too. A smaller company tends to do that.. I can't wait untile they get there NHL Licence back to produce cards.. I really enjoy there Heroes & Prospect set but would love to see there logo on a NHL product when that happens again, They will give Upper Deck some great compition.

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