Transaction Leaders: January 2024


Staff member
5.00 star(s)
Here are the transaction leaders for January 2024:

Most Transactions

@grapler135s was the January transaction leader with 69 transactions.

2nd - @Mechjo16 - 37
3rd - @rtsjr 22
4th - @LarryG - 21
5th - @peaceandlove - 17
T-6th - @kpit1978 - 12
T-6th - @Therion - 12
T-6th - @smithbrian524 - 12
9th - @zlw1 - 11
T-10th - @Molitor04x - 10
T-10th - @Eliatack - 10

Most Trades

@rtsjr was our January trade leader with 19 trades!

2nd - @LarryG - 14
3rd - @Mechjo16 - 12
4th - @peaceandlove - 11
T-5th - @Criollos - 9
T-5th - @Illrimesaya - 9
T-7th - @ersportcards - 7
T-7th - @littleredjacks - 7
T-9th - @horfin - 6
T-9th - @Molitor04x - 6
T-9th - @Therion - 6
T-9th - @Eliatack - 6

Top Buyers

@kpit1978 was our top buyer in January with 12 purchases!

2nd - @LarryG - 7
T-3rd - @Therion - 6
T-3rd - @peaceandlove - 6
5th - @Mechjo16 - 5
T-6th - @franklinguy52 - 4
T-6th - @Bobbyd9179 - 4
T-6th - @darkman - 4
T-6th - @Molitor04x - 4
T-10th - @PAVI39 - 3
T-10th - @Waltdii - 3
T-10th - @cornwellfamily - 3
T-10th - @gwynn_fan - 3
T-10th - @horfin - 3
T-10th - @Journeyman - 3
T-10th - @rtsjr - 3
T-10th - @smithbrian524 - 3
T-10th - @Eliatack - 3

Top Sellers

@grapler135s was the January top seller with 65 sales.

2nd - @Mechjo16 - 20
3rd - @zlw1 - 9
4th - @smithbrian524 - 8
T-5th - @gwynn_fan - 1
T-5th - @DaSoxFan - 1
T-5th - @Eliatack - 1

Great start to the year everybody! Shout out to our top 10 in each category for the month of January. We also had 10 very generous members either donate items for contests or give freebies out, thank you to you all for your kindness and generosity! Hoping everybody is having a great start to 2024! Looking forward to February!