Trading GU'd, AUTO's, #'d, RC's, etc., for Nolan Ryan's!


Bench Warmer
I'm starting early on one of my New Years Resolutions, my quest for 3,000 Nolan Ryans by 2008. As usual I will trade anything for Ryan's I need. Anything includes GU'd, AUTO's, Serial #'d cards, Inserts, RC's, SP's, and of course base. Just LMK what you have and what you're looking for. I will check tradelists also. No trade is too small. Thanks in advance for any help! Hope you have a Happy New Year, JOSH
I have a few Santana's. Not much though, they're below. I have no idea what Redick's book for, because I don't collect basketball anymore...but since i'm a huge Duke fan, and I watched him stick it out and dominate for four years in college, I had to collect him! PLMK if you can use the Santana's, and if there's anything else you can use for the Redick's, and if you can give me a value on them too. Thanks for the reply, JOSH

  • 2006 Fleer Team Leaders w/Hunter 16 $1.50
    2006 Topps Turkey Red 429 $0.60
    2006 Topps Allen and Ginter **** Perez Sketches 17 $1.00
    2006 Topps Update and Highlights Team Leaders w/Morneau 313 $0.50
    2006 Fleer 363
Sure, that works for me. I only have one J.J. in my 3 more will be great!! I'll post it up and send you the info. Thanks for the help! JOSH