Football Top 5 defensive tackles in draft


Bench Warmer
By Vic Carucci
National Editor,

March 23, 2007) -- One man's ranking of the top five defensive tackles in the NFL draft:

1. Alan Branch, Michigan

Positives: Size (6-foot-5-plus, 324 pounds), strength, and athleticism. ... Effectively plugs the middle against the run. ... Aggressive bull rusher. ... Does a good job of diagnosing plays and reacting to them. ... Exceptionally long arms. ... Competitiveness.

Negatives: Isn't particularly explosive off the snap. ... Needs to develop some additional pass-rush moves.

2. Amobi Okoye, Louisville

Positives: Decent size (6-2, 302 pounds), great strength, and athleticism. ... Exceptional quickness. ... Shows good anticipation of the snap. ... Considering he is only 19 years old, his ability to diagnose plays as accurately as he does is remarkable. ... Clogs the middle well. ... Competitiveness.

Negatives: Overall skills need development, but that's to be expected from such a young player.

3. DeMarcus 'Tank' Tyler, N.C. State

Positives: Outstanding quickness and athleticism. ... Gets a good jump off the snap. ... Excellent at diagnosing plays and reacting to them. ... Doesn't bite on many play fakes or misdirection runs. ... Shows a nice variety of pass-rush moves.

Negatives: Sometimes plays too upright. ... Occasionally over-pursues the ballcarrier.

4. Justin Harrell, Tennessee

Positives: Size (6-4-plus, 300 pounds), strength, and athleticism. ... Plays with good leverage. ... Shows consistently strong effort. ... Toughness.

Negatives: Lacks explosiveness off the snap. ... Needs to improve his tackling skills. ... Durability; missed most of his senior year after undergoing surgery on a ruptured biceps tendon.

5. Brandon Mebane, California

Positives: Athleticism and exceptional speed. ... Plays with good leverage. ... Does a solid job of clogging the middle. ... Shows good pursuit.

Negatives: Must play with greater concentration. ... Needs overall improvement in his techniques.