** Tons and Tons of NEW Autos Scanned In the Bucket Paypal/Money Order!!

whts bv on john parker wilson sage hit? arian foster 10/10? john parker wilson sage/400 and graham harrell prestige auto? thanks-brandon
b i cant buy right now I just picked up his spa.. ill trade for it

champb no idea of book values dont have opg to get them
Adam - don't know if you are a BV guy or not (I really am not, and don't have a FB Beckett)......

would you do the Matt Ryan auto and the fitzgerald/johnson/moss/Boldin GU from Ebay for the Cutler auto /50?
b Im not a book guy myself.. The ryan part is fine the quad could be pending give me until after work to find out and we can finalize something this evening. I leave here at 5 pm MST..
Doesn't scan very well, but it is beautiful.....it's got GOLD label written all over it. Can't see it in the scan, but at the top the contenders info and the ROOKIE wording is all green aswell as the Preview Ticket writing