Football Tank Johnson

you can look at it 2 ways both have good arguments,

1. Tank went to jail and paid their, and now has to serve some form of punishment from the NFL, and 8 games is that punishment.

2. Tank desreves a longer suppension. He cannot run around with guns and not get shot down by the NFL. Pac-Man is out for something less severe while Tank who had guns that he could fight a Tank with gets less? Totally ridcualos....

those are what i think are the 2 arguments and i think i made it clear which one i agree with.
It's all about setting examples; run around like a thug and you will be suspended. They should have given tank the year off as well.
Well even though Tanks Charge was heavy it was his first or second..
pacman has how many arrest and charges(w/o conviction I understand BUt) sorry i ran out of hands to count on....No comparison.Tank paid for his crime in jail and gets 8 games off.Pacman should be out the league for good along with Henry and any one else who doesnt learn their lesson.