Football Sweet Hof Exquisite Pickup!! Steal??

its nice id like to be able to do that were u get it at the lst part of the sale but i never do its just not my way well my bro buys my stuff 4 me mabey its him lolololol
well the only whay u can beat it is buy pulling one out of a single pack that u buy at a card shope what u say man i never rilly had the pulls intell i bught the boxes man what did u ever pull that u love
mine whas recent ly my fave any whay its a 2006 topps turkey red gu black
domanick davis i have 2 of them they were stuck to gether in one pack whats the odds on this i think that the ink might of bin a littl wet or they just got stuk to gether sorry boys and gals but know i will not trade them ok but mabey whaen i get tired of telling the story on how i got two i will aaa but no it will never get old my freinds see them and ask every time and my wifs to i keept the pack selifan and box they were in as a good luck charme