Hockey Superlatives

I'm not a huge fan of this for the price. Seems like a lot of the single cards aren't doing too well on the secondary market. I would check some of the completed sales to see what they are selling at. You may be better off buying a bunch of nice single cards from this product, for the price of a pack. I know it takes the fun out of opening it, but I'd rather have something to show for the money, as opposed to gambling. This stuff is a big gamble, IMO.
Leafsfan1967 said:
I'm not a huge fan of this for the price. Seems like a lot of the single cards aren't doing too well on the secondary market. I would check some of the completed sales to see what they are selling at. You may be better off buying a bunch of nice single cards from this product, for the price of a pack. I know it takes the fun out of opening it, but I'd rather have something to show for the money, as opposed to gambling. This stuff is a big gamble, IMO.

It's definitely a gamble. I got caught up in the the hype and split a box....then another, and I don't open too much anymore. Here's what we got.

Cam Neely auto
Patrick Roy 2 color jersey
Carey Price auto/jersey
Ted Lindsay auto/jersey
Turco patch
Hall jersey/Vezina skate boot /9
Roy jumbo jersey /9 (this card could have been soooo nice)

Pack 2:
Mikita auto
Leland Irving auto/jersey gold /10
Thornton jersey
Jagr auto/jersey
Raask patch
Brett Hull jumbo jersey /9
Jagr namepalte 1/1 'R'

2 pretty good boxes....I saw some good ones and some bad ones....If you want to gamble, go for it...if you want to pick up some nice cards, buy singles. Oh yeah, although I havent checked prices on these lately, I am sure the secondary market prices are way down since I open these. We got back apprx $1000 for these, not sure what it would be now.

Here are the pics:

Superlative pics/

The other TROY
Well, there is 2 packs at my local shop, For $575 each. I was gunna get a tin of The Cup, But it sold out too fast.

i don't like buying single cards, there is something to be said about ripping into a new pack... If its not Superlative, it will be a couple boxes of something else... Maybe BAP