Silly Jason


Week old post bumping extraordinaire
Medication + hot tub for an hour +++ two fruity strong drinks = passing out in the bar and being wheeled to the room in a wheel chair by Amish Dave. BTW, I do have pics :cheers:

Now his gas has gotten brutal. Sounds like some releasing a gas valve at a damaged Japanese nuclear plant :death:
OK where did the wheel chair come from?:roflmao:

apparently the bartender was an amatuer magician, i vaguely remember him starting some card trick, and apparently he pulled a wheelchair out of thin air after i apparently fell out of my barstool and became a cause of concern for the bar staff...dave was apparently laughing at me and told them i was ok...

he then attempted to throw me into the chair, which i apparently fell out of, then he got me in the wheel chair and i was pushed back to the room in it :salut:

lack of sleep + hours of walking around + food + ambien + seroquil + 1 hour in hot tub + 2 fruity drinks = sliq unable to walk or control gas :drunk: