Football Shipping Delivery Confirmation Advice :)


Bench Warmer
I am good friends with some of my post office clerks as I do alot of business with them and they give me advice on shipping things. Here is one I was told by them, I am not sure how many of you out there run into this but the post office is now requiring I believe it to be 3/4" thick or something like that for Delivery Confirmation and some post offices are returning them back and charging more $$. I was told that by putting a few of the foam shipping peanuts in it will increase the thickness of the envelope but not really add weight so no increase in shipping price :). since I have been doing this for awhile I have never had one come back yet....thought I would share this with some of the traders out there

Please feel free to add your shipping advice also its always good to gain some knowledge and help save us some $$$
snick103 said:
I am good friends with some of my post office clerks as I do alot of business with them and they give me advice on shipping things. Here is one I was told by them, I am not sure how many of you out there run into this but the post office is now requiring I believe it to be 3/8" thick or something like that for Delivery Confirmation and some post offices are returning them back and charging more $$. I was told that by putting a few of the foam shipping peanuts in it will increase the thickness of the envelope but not really add weight so no increase in shipping price :). since I have been doing this for awhile I have never had one come back yet....thought I would share this with some of the traders out there

Please feel free to add your shipping advice also its always good to gain some knowledge and help save us some $$$

From what I understadn it is 3/4" not 3/8". Having said that, my post office here dosent measure and just lets me send out at normal rate. AS well this only applies to First Class or Parcel Post (cant remember which one is for small packages) and not Priority. If you send Priority there is no thickness measurement they will track no matter what for the price.
Yea, I have heard that also and have started to employ it. All you need is 1 to do it. They measure the thickness at the middle. Works well and keeps them from getting extra out of you.
yes you are right its 3/4 I edited thanks...from what I am hearing from my clerks that some other posts offices are actually sending the envelopes back and charging the sender, so even though our post offices may let them go others are returning them which can make the trade a longer one by the time you get it and re-send just ends up being a pain as people are waiting for their cards

kutzy said:
From what I understadn it is 3/4" not 3/8". Having said that, my post office here dosent measure and just lets me send out at normal rate. AS well this only applies to First Class or Parcel Post (cant remember which one is for small packages) and not Priority. If you send Priority there is no thickness measurement they will track no matter what for the price.
I know that I have sent stuff out and gotten it returned from the other's post office. Althought everything was correct. Another thing is when shipping to canada, you better fill out the address they way they want it, otherwise they will return it. I got hit on that once.
Douby sent me a package with no shipping or postage on it. It was no where to be found for 3 weeks, then it showed up.

Crazy. I still don't know how it didnt get return to sender. It was overlooked the entire time or something of that nature.

Heck, Ive been using empty card packs as fillers. I crunch them up and stick them in, and it works.
Thanks for the Canada insight...I didnt know that

Admin said:
I know that I have sent stuff out and gotten it returned from the other's post office. Althought everything was correct. Another thing is when shipping to canada, you better fill out the address they way they want it, otherwise they will return it. I got hit on that once.
My advice is use Insurance on anything you send its the only way honestly to be safe about it! Just how ive seen things going lately its very important to add insurance!
Save time and money on shipping:

If you use Paypal, you can save alot of time and money on shipping!

* Delivery Confirmation is only .14 vs .60 (in person at the post office)
* You can drop it off in the Metered Mail Box or hand it to your postman. In fact, if it's a PROIRTY Mail item you can schedule a FREE Pickup!
* A metered package DOES NOT require 3/4" THICKNESS like the "in person" package that needs DC!
* Lasty, a metered package only takes 2-3 days from coast to coast - in all honesty it's just as fast as proirity mail!!! Give it a try - you'll be glad that you did!
How to do it:
If you're an active ebayer, just print a label for an item that was previously sold - making changes to the "To" addressee.
Simply make a .01 payment to the other party involved in the transaction as "Goods, Others" (DO NOT use quasi cash), so they can print a label by hitting the "ship" button.

Any questions, please send me a Private Message (PM).
I thought if you purchased DC#'s and shipping through the website DC#'s were free.
Yeah, I love paypals way. If I only had adhesive labels that worked for it, it would be really efficient,so I have to cut out the labels and tape them on, but I love the fact that it can cost me 66 cents to ship a card with DC and to be covered with paypal, with the number already implemented on the transaction page, when it would be about that just for DC.