Football Shaun Alexander seemingly pays price for having interests other than football

Because the main has faith in his life?? Gimme a break, Alexander has more talent and values in his little finger than most players have in their entire career. Even if he never touches a football again, he is still a class act and one heck of a player.
Gotta agree with BSC. In his time, Alexander was a force, he had size and speed. I think he should just stop, look back on what it was and call it a career.
unreal that guy is a positive roll model and people bash him with this? while **** users and abusers and criminals are praised....what a shame
"He's never been known as a very tough player, and there have always been questions about his attitude," an NFC general manager said. "I'm not saying that because he's out there [unsigned] now. I would have told you the same thing four or five years ago. Basically I don't like him [as a back], and I don't trust him."

I bet that wuss hides behind those words (don't see his name in the article). Men of God on the other hand, are much BRAVER, BOLDER, AND MORE COURAGEOUS! Thank GOD my GM is in the AFC! Otherwise, I'd have to do some inquiry!