Question on an item not received...


Massive Jackson Stalker
So, I shipped an item on August 13th, and it shows it was Dispatched to sort facility on the 13th, and it was supposed to be delivered on the 16th, but the guy is saying that it was never received. If he opens a case, am I screwed?

Just want to know if I should just refund the guy, even though I'm pretty sure he's playing me.
if you live in BFE id talk to the local post office person to see if they can put a tracer on it or i said, if it shows a postal scan it shows shipment, perhaps the label was damaged in shipping and it was delivered but unscanable?...i had one of those come in a month or two ago where the DC was the sticker kind and put on the edge of the box and scraped off most of it...didnt show dlvd to me either...:think: