Pics from the 3rd annual Gopher alum roadtrip: 2008 = Victory @ Purdue


Bench Warmer
As some of you know, I've been doing alma mater road trips for some years now, with the intention of hitting every Big Ten stadium in the conference. 4 of my alum buds and I meet in Chicago (central for everyone) and head out on Friday afternoon before the game. Then we settle in to take in/drink in some of the campus life and local flavor, tailgate the following morning, and then head to the game. 2008's destination? West Lafayette with the hopes of spoiling the Boilermakers homecoming. The Gophs didn't let us down, continuing their phenomenal reversal of fortunes. Here's the pics to prove it:

Friday night in downtown West Layfayette. I'm the lug in the middle with the goatee if you don't know me. Bar scene there sucked, but we did stop in at the Triple X Diner for a late night 2nd dinner, which was pretty cool (featured on the Food Network apparently). Good greasy food, and lots of Purdue alum themed meals. I had the Duane Pervis, essentially a Whopper with peanut butter slapped on the bottom. Surprisingly good!

Final score. Win # 7 is in the books, no way we're not goin' bowlin' now!

Our annual group pic down by the field. Eric Decker's mom took the photo for us (true story), and if you don't know who Eric Decker is, you don't follow the Big 10.

And here was a really cool statue they had outside the stadium. Nice touch to the 'Boilermaker' theme.

Thanks for looking!
Eric Decker is a effin' BEAST !!! Not too bad on the diamond as well :dance:

Northwestern today. I'm torn, as I heart both squads :cry:. I'll have to pull for Minnesota though, since the Wildcats blew it vs. Indiana last week and Bacher / Sutton are out :sad:.

Willie van Desteeg :dance:. Watch the game you non-Big 10'ers and you'll hear his name (like Nelly & Tim McGraw sang) over & over again :drool:.

Sweet pics and go PHERS !!!!!!!
Very cool!! Purdue has quite a bit of cool things. One of which, obviously, is not this year's team....
Awesome photos, looked like a great trip!! I remember the Triple X diner show on Diners drive ins and dives, wantt o go there :eek:)
hamburger w/peanut butter just sounds wrong. bet it's an acquired taste after lots of beer.

great pics jon, sounds like your road trips are producing great memories