peja stojakovic game used 24 hr trade

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Bench Warmer
I have the below peja stojakvic game used for trade.


*Will end 10 PM CST January 24th
*Must have at least 1 offer
*Looking for nfl game used with player in a nfl uniform. no college stuff.

Is football all you will accept I mainly have baseball except for some PC FB
POP23 said:
Is football all you will accept I mainly have baseball except for some PC FB

requirements are all listed above. if it closes with no offers we can possibly work a deal for something baseball.
you did not copy and paste this as required:
ewilkens said:
UPDATE, Jan. 17, 2011
Copy and paste this to all threads:

Cards/Money being offered: List what you have up for offer, whether it be money or cards. Pics or scans must be included if you're putting up cards for offer
Ending time: (24, 48, or 72 hours ONLY, a specific time may be listed, or you can just say "24 hours"
Minimum # of offers: (this can be 0, 1, 2, or 3)
Minimum value: (you may set a minimum value WITHIN REASON- thread may be removed at discretion of mods- you can also list none)
Maximum cards: (again you have the option of setting a max # of cards for offers to contain, but this number may not be less than 3)

Bold part MUST be copied. No exceptions. Then set your criteria using the non-bold part. All threads must contain this or the will be locked and/or deleted.

therefore this thread is closed. All threads must have that copied and pasted, b/c too many people were trying to get around the rules, by ignoring parts of that.
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