PC Mailday From Donruss !!!!

ND Zibby

Bench Warmer
I guess all I had to do was ask him to sign them......

Im curious, just how much money the card companys pay him to sign the cards.

He said that he gets paid "decent" money to sign....But I never asked just how much....As far as cards from companies, I offered him some of my extra stuff that I have but he declined saying that they send him a bunch of cards...His mom is saving most of them for him so I just gave some to her....As far as TTM, I'm sure he gets mail from the team but not sure how long it takes him to get them back.....If anyone wants something signed you can send it to me and I can either get him next time I see him or give it to his dad and have him have Tommy sign them....I see his father alot since he picked up a new hobby (going to the gun range with me)....Tommy and his brother EJ are supposed to go shoot with us next time (want to take pics, but not sure if it's a good idea to post 'em)....Sorry for the long reply...Thanks again, Steve
who would get all bent out of shape over seeing pics of him shooting? as long as he's not shooting at you, it's cool.

i wonder if a lot of teams have messed up spelling his name......random thought here