Pay-pal messing with MY $ - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr


retired hippie
SO last night i request a withdraw to checking for my balance of 163.00. Transfer goes thru everything seems fine.

Wake up this morning & the transfer was cancelled because of a negitave balance.

What caused the neg balance? Someone paid me $555. for the 4 NT Cuts he purchased & right after he sent Pay-pal refunds the $555 to the Payee & charges me $16.40. Thier claim is that the payment was fradulant.

Spen an hour on the phone to Pay-pal this morning & got the fees reveresed & requested another withdrawl.

Sent a message via E-bay to the guy that won my auctions asking what's up with the payments.

Then called E-Bay because it's showing on my account that he paid for the cards & I have a invoice with sales charges for these auctions. E-Bay was very nice & I was refunded a credit of $49. in sales charges for the 4 auctions that would show in the next few days.

Not a fun way to start a Friday morning, just hoping I get paid for the auctions.