Football Party On Bourbon Street Tonight!! YEAH SAINTS!!!

Philly got screwed.

That false start call after the play was a very bad/late call.

It was 4th and 10, and some how the the reciever caught the ball 20-30 yards down field before they called the play dead.

Horrible. The play shouldnt have got that far. It should have been blown dead from the get go.
joshsmith said:
Philly got screwed.

That false start call after the play was a very bad/late call.

It was 4th and 10, and some how the the reciever caught the ball 20-30 yards down field before they called the play dead.

Horrible. The play shouldnt have got that far. It should have been blown dead from the get go.

well it was a pretty clear false start. Just because noone heard the whistle dosnet mean it wasnt a penalty.
Dont get me wrong, I dont care who won.

I just think its pretty crappy the way that play was handled.

Even sportscenter said it got weird on this play.
But Bourbon St. will still be elbow to elbow tonight..........:D

Glad to see the saints actually do something after 40 years (even though I'm a Louisiana transplant)