Football Opinions on Dolphins/Jets game Sunday


5.00 star(s)
Just curious what everybody's thought's were on this Sunday" game between the Dolphins and the Jets. I'm a big Dolphin fan and have always been a fan of their's and hope for a win and get into the playoffs after last years season.

I am a big Dolphin fan as well. I hope they win and get in, and seems like Favre is already making tired excuses about a "tired arm." I would like to see us actually get some nice free agents even if we waste our draft yet again, as has been the case for around 10 years now- exception being Ronnie Brown. Letting go of Zach, Jason, and even Adawale has been frustrating, but at least we picked up Chad and Joey. Now drafting Beck 2 years short of his AARP eligibility, and a few other sad draft day mistakes, that's hurt us even worse. Time for Wayne to open the wallet if our drafts are going to continue along the same path.
I totally agree with you. I think we have a very good shot of beating them this weekend. They just barely beat us in week one but if we hadn't let Houston run in for a td with just seconds left it wouldn't matter about this weekend. Just hoping for a win even if it is an ugly one.
