One of the BEST days Ive ever had opening packs...

Craig N

Bench Warmer
Ok, went to the card shop today, only had $30 in my wallett. At my shop, they have about 5 big showcases of all there older stuff that they try getting rid of. Like old packs they cant sell. Was browsing through there, and noticed they had 3 packs of 06 Classics. Something was telling me to buy them. At 5 bucks a piece, i figured what the hell, and got them. Luckily, i listened to my gut, and got this.....



As soon as I pulled it, i immediately called 1 of my buddies and my brother. No one answered. I thought that was awesome since I wanted 1 of these ever since they came out. So I had 15 bucks in my wallett. Went through the showcase again and saw 07 Classics, also at 5 bucks a pack. He had about 6 left. It was between 3 of them or 2 08 Packs. 08 has treated me like absolute dog crap. I get kicked in the junk every time i buy it. So i went with the 07. On my last pack, i slid, and saw this.



The only thing I could do was laugh. The 2 Top Drafted quarterbacks in the past 2 years in 6 packs of cards equaling 31.50. Probably the best 6 packs Ive ever opened. Quite honestly, it was close to unbelievable. LMK what you think!!!!
No to tell you the truth guys, i really dont post my bad days. Like last week, spent 300 bucks on packs and the best thing i got was the Jonathan Stewart. Ive never searched and plus, that accusation is stupid because how could ANYONE feel a basic topps rc or an autograph sticker. Ive never done it, nor will i ever, its just a good card shop. No one searches there. Luck just comes my way, but then again, i do have ALOT of bad days. You guys wouldnt think im that lucky if i posted all my bad days.....
I think he was just kidding about searching packs!

I'm very sure everyone here respects the hobby enough here to NOT search packs.
So, do me a favor, send me some of that good luck through this here internet thingy we're on, cuz Lord knows I'm way overdue for even a moderate hit, it's been since December of last year. NICE hits by the way.