new guy


Bench Warmer
hi everyone. i'm new to this site but so far it seems pretty cool. my name is Robert and i'm from Tennessee. i collect mostly hockey now a days, but still have some football and basketball cards left over from the late 90's and early 2000's. i enjoy watching my hometown Titans (NFL), but since hockey came to Tennessee, i've found my NFL interest is dying off. maybe its because NHLers seem so much more down to earth and athletes from other pro sports...well, they don't lol. i'm a season ticket holding Nashville Predators fan and i'm always looking for Predator cards! i look forward to getting to know some of you guys (and girls). thanks!
Hey Robert. Welcome to Freaks. I've been here about a week and have found many people who are very willing to answer any questions you may have about the site. Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to the Freaks Robert and there are a good share of Hockey fans on here. Make sure to look around and ask if you have a question, our Mods are pretty good people!