new cards ft


Bench Warmer
new cards ft upton xfractor auto/ pence gold ref/kemp ref auto

picked these up today and am looking for hof'rs gu/auto's in baseball and football as well as current twins rcs/auto's/gu

2006 bowman chrome justin upton xfractor auto 082/225 $300 traded

2006 bowman chrome hunter pence gold refractor 13/50 $300 traded

2005 bowman chrome matthew kemp refractor auto 048/500 $100
what are you asking on these?
p.fielder auto
marino auto
ripken auto
mays quad gu
musial auto
griffey auto
mantle gu
maravich rc
p.fielder auto--GONE
marino auto--300.00
ripken auto--GONE
mays quad gu--GONE
musial auto--100.00
griffey auto--100.00
mantle gu--300.00
maravich rc--175.00
LMK and we can work something out.
will, what can we do for these? i know i will need to add a little for the first one. lmk i am agreeable to any of them. tim
musial auto--100.00
griffey auto--100.00
maravich rc--175.00

or this

marino auto--300.00

or this

mantle gu--300.00