Need Your Letter Autos Any Players!!!! Im Buying!!!!

hi im new here.i trade on topps forum.i do have a brennen "n" letterman auto,jammer "m" letter and a couple others. i do have a photobucket im trying to set up a sig and gallery and all that good stuff and get acquainted with the format of this i allowed to post my bucket here?seems like there was something in the rules about sites or something being posted here.i.d.k. any ways if i dont return a post you can always e-mail [email protected],and i can get refs too!
o hey welcom to the site

yes you are allowed to post photobucket links and stuff and to get a sig just look in the top left where it says user CP and you can edit your sig there. any other questions you can ask me or a better person to ask if it is rules and stuff would be one of the MODS (all great guys)

i want the jammer M could i see a scan?