Basketball Need some help...


Bench Warmer
Anyone know how to get a players card population?

I'm looking for O.J. Mayo.

Just looking for a list of the card/set/#...etc of what is out there.

Thanks, Brett.
Beckett has a checklist... it used to be free but you gotta pay a bit now.

Ask someone who is a paid member of Beckett.
Maybe someone with an OPG (not sure)
Beckett is still free....You can get a checklist of all his cards but if you want the values of the cards, then you have to pay.
I don't know where it is on their website, I don't need the values just the checklist. Can anyone guide me to where it is?
You have to create an account. Now, from that page I linked, click on "add to my organize"

Now LMK if you still need help.