Football National Card Show


Bench Warmer
anyone planning on going to the convention this year. It is on the last of July and first of August. We already have our plane tickets and are making plans now
would go except for a few problems

1) Broke
2) Fear of Flying
3) Will be doing summer classes to finish up my degree

So i'm booked solid, but someday would LOVE to go!

Hope you have fun there though!
i might be setting up there ,if not definately going to be out there, just waiting on a friend to see if he wants to split the huge cost of a booth. if you are planning to go to the national and you do not live close, i know you are going there to check out cards and stuff, but if you can take the time on friday and go to cedar point amusement park ,you will not be dissappointed. best in the world !
thanx i wont get there til friday night but might check it out saturday
i will look for your booth when we get there as well