Mr 264...Moving Contest...Basketball Freebies

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Transactions: 2
I have realtors showing up tomorrow and have been frantically cleaning my man cave. I have a box of basketball cards that I don't want to sort, pack or move with me. Nothing super great, but someone may want them.

So here is the deal, deadline for entry is Sunday 5 PM (EST). At which point I will choose a winner. I will send you a PM to request your address, so I can have them in the mail on Monday.

Since, I have had success with Limericks, and enjoy them immensely. This contest is just that. Write a five line limerick as to why you should receive my basketball cards.

Here is what a limerick is:

A limerick is a silly poem with five lines. They are often funny or nonsensical. All of the limericks on our site are family friendly (G-rated).
How to write a limerick:

The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 8 or 9). The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 5 or 6).

Judging will be based on creativity AND structure.....GOOD LUCK...:D

Two Entries per member.
Here's something I came up with, just to break the ice.

Tigsfan loves all kinds of sports cards
Tigsfan is always here and on guard
Now the time is come
As 0264 moves the sum
Of all his cards to one lucky Freaks member
Send all the cards to me of course
I would hate to have to use force
so if your letting them go
then i want you to know
that i would gladly be you source
The site prize vault has gotten quite poor
I would like to restock it some more
I could ask others for a donation or prize
but with this contest I now realize
I can just get them from my buddy 0264

A lady who just got into hoops, (9) A
Was perusing the forum for scoops, (9) A
She stumbled on a thread, (6) B
That set spinning her head, (6) B
I would love this lot- even the dupes! (9) A

At least I have perfect structure compliance, huh?
You know i want them more than any,
Just because i dont have to spend a penny,
Im probably the biggest collecter out of all,
Just because I know everything about ball,
But thats up to you and all i can say is go big blue.

I wanna win this box so bad
not winning it would make me so sad
you are so nice to do this for us
maybe ill come pick it up , by taking a bus
if you pick me , you and me will be glad
wow to think this came from a brainy guy!!!

This is really GOOD!!

ac-n-mike said:
The site prize vault has gotten quite poor
I would like to restock it some more
I could ask others for a donation or prize
but with this contest I now realize
I can just get them from my buddy 0264

Thank you to all whom participated. Some very creative, some followed structure, but a combination of the two was my choosing and the winner is
NattyBoo said:
A lady who just got into hoops, (9) A
Was perusing the forum for scoops, (9) A
She stumbled on a thread, (6) B
That set spinning her head, (6) B
I would love this lot- even the dupes! (9) A

At least I have perfect structure compliance, huh?

Congratulations, NattyBoo.

Please send me your addy via PM, I will get them to the Post Office on Tuesday. I believe them to be closed tomorrow.
I thank you so much for the contest
And for picking mine to be the best
My address was sent via PM
The cards- I appreciate them
This was really, truly a skill test!
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