Meeting J.A. Happ & Matt Stairs...


Bench Warmer
Meeting all of these guys tomorrow...

Matt Stairs
JA Happ
Clay Condrey
Scott Eyre
Rich Dubee
Milt Thompson
Mickey Morandini
Ricky Jordan
Darren Daulton
Tommy Greene
Jim Eisenreich
Paul Fletcher
Dave Hollins


Boxing HOFer Emile Griffith. :box:

It's at a signing but I have seen the '93 Phillies before there and they all sit around and talk to everyone so it's pretty nice to go. Plus I've been wanting J.A. Happ's autograph for a while now. :D

He's doing amazing with the Phillies!

Wish me luck! :D

I"ll take pictures for everyone to see. :party3:
I would've done some 50/50 on the Daulton and Stairs for you if you said something earlier:p. Condrey should become something as a little bonus!
Met them today, got pics but I don't have a USB cord with my new phone so I don't know how to upload them without it from my phone...Anyone know how to?