Football Looking for opinions on buying now or waiting!


Bench Warmer
My son is wanting a Vince Young Auto, I've bid on several and came awful close to winning them, but close is not good enough, so my question is, should I

A: Bid a little more and get him one.

B: Wait awhile and see if they don't come down once Baseball season gets going.
Wait until after the season...they will drop. FB cards have been and always will be VERY "seasonal". Now, especially with him being named the OROY, is a bad time to try to buy one.

My .02
EB, I knew that would fluctuate the price, he has been a fan of Young since last years win over USC.

He had been hounding me for an auto, and win he won ROY it made it worse.

I think I'll hold off and see what's available this spring or summer.
Yea, that's your best bet. You could probably get 2 for what you'd be paying for 1 now.

Best of luck,
la he earns most everything he gets.

He feeds the horses, dogs and helps me check and feed the cattle.

If he gets good grades he gets so much, he also has cattle of his own which have calves, the money he earns from everything, he never see's, most goes into his saving's, the rest I keep stashed in my gun room. When he wants something he gets it, and I take it out of his money.

I do buy him some thing's, but for 9 he is one of the most responsible little guys you'll ever meet.
alright, i hope i didnt offend you was just joking about it. he must have a lot of cash if he can afford a Vince Young auto. Does he collect cards?
La you didn't offend me, I was just explaining the situation. Yes he does have quite the chunk, he sells around 4 calves a year (depending on if they are heifers or steers). That goes to his savings account, his card money comes from grades and chores.

He does collect cards, in fact he got me back into collecting after I had about given up on the hobby.
He's a V Young fan poor kid, I tried to explain his cards are gonna be high, he didn't care, but he enjoy's all cards, I got a kick out of him the other night, he got a bunch of cards for Christmas, he spent all day on the 26th looking them up and reading their stats, he made me remember what the hobby was all about, just enjoying the cards and the people you meet along the way.
rynesandbergfan23 said:
He's a V Young fan poor kid, I tried to explain his cards are gonna be high, he didn't care, but he enjoy's all cards, I got a kick out of him the other night, he got a bunch of cards for Christmas, he spent all day on the 26th looking them up and reading their stats, he made me remember what the hobby was all about, just enjoying the cards and the people you meet along the way.
i remember when trading a kobe base for a iverson base was the best thing in the world, why did money get to me. i guess its a good thing though or i wouldnt have my cook collection. Does he collect only football or baseball or basketball also? It would be tough to get a vince young collection at that age.
just wait bad time to buy! i got 2 right now and they are big $$, ill see if i can pick up another one at a good deal and pass the savings on to ya!:D
He is a wrestler, in fact a very good one at that, this is his fourth year and he has been a medalist at the state tournament the last three years. Last year he was runner up. So he isn't a big basketball fan. In Iowa during the Winter you do basketball or you wrestle, you just don't do both. So no he really don't collect basketball. He gets a pack evry now and then but for the most part no.

As far as baseball goes, I coached his team for three years, he decided he didn't want to play, he wanted to do summer wrestling camps and fall flag football. He does collect a little baseball, but it is mainly football.

He also collects Auto's/Gu of anybody, he just loves the fact that the guy on t.v. signed or wore a piece on that card.

I buy alot of auto's of Cowboy's and Hawkeye's, which he say's we are partners so I guess he collects those as well.

So in a shorter version he collects a little bit of everything, but Vince Young his fav.