Looking for Liriano, Mauer, Torii, Morneau, Johan, Garza


Week old post bumping extraordinaire
And Slowey / Span / and key old rc's for my brother. I've gotten him to start collecting again :dance:. He's bought a few nicer things off eBay (Mauer 3x JSY #'d/15, Garza/Liraino/Mauer UD Clear 3x Auto). LMK what you've got and what you'd need for it, Paypal wise. He's got it, not I.

- Dave.
I've got a Kevin Slowey Bowman Sterling Refractor Rc and the Bowman Sterling PSA 10 Rc i can move make an offer on both
Ernie - Stupid question, but, what do they "book" for ? I'd send an offer from my brother, but he is not near me.


- Dave (go 'ning)
Andrew - Yes. LMK what you've got (Goose Gossage as well, for my mom. She likes his name, if you have any).

Ernie - I'll run 'em past my brother.


- Dave :salut:
Wdkantro - LMK how much you'd need for it.

Ernie - Couldn't get an offer asked to him, since he went to watch them (the Twins / Tigers) this weekend. I'll see him Sunday or Monday and ask then.


- Dave.
Ernie - He's being dumb. He'll pass :cry:. He told me it's getting expensive and I said, "No sh....".

He's going to try to focus on: Liriano, Kubel, Boof and Slowey / Garza.

Also, he's trying to get the Triple Auto's outta '06 UD Future Stars. Some triple auto's that were seeded 1:288 packs. The name of the set escapes me. That's the jive he's going to try to concentrate on, though.

- Dave.