Looking for Lions base cards.


From a pack deep in the north country...
Transactions: 2
I am helping the local Pop Warner league this summer. I want to give every kid a Graded Detroit Lions football card. I am looking to pick up about 30 base cards. NO autos or relics please, just regular base cards. Current players would be nice, but I am not going to be picky. I am not looking to spend anything, but have a couple of football relics I would trade. Please let me know what you have!
I got a stack of 25 of them, all 2012/13 sitting in front of me right now, and Im sure I got many more in my boxes in the storage closet. Ill do some digging tonight, but for now heres what I have out:

2012 Topps Petigrew
2012 Chrome Moore rc, Megatron, Broyles Red Zone Rookies
2012 Magic Stafford, Barry Sanders
2012 Magic mini Fairley, Moore rc, Suh, Megatron
2012 Gridiron Megatron x2, Pettigrew, Suh, Tulloch, Best
2012 Prizm Stafford, Megatron, Moore rc
2012 Score Suh, Burleson, Stfford, Tulloch
2013 Bowman Megatron, Ezekiel Ansah rc
Thanks very much! I am very interested and will take them all. Would you like a few dollars hidden cash or want me to list my couple of football relics I have for trade?

Whatever you feel is fair is fine with me, Im not too worried about them, just happy they will goto kids insetad of taking up room in my closet. :)
Whatever you feel is fair is fine with me, Im not too worried about them, just happy they will goto kids insetad of taking up room in my closet. :)

Still can't find the thread for the temporary trade manager. Could you post up the Lions base cards traded for a "a nice football card"

Posted it up, thanks!

I also found a few more yesterday, tossing them in with the 25 card lot listed above. :)