Looking for Delmon Young


Bench Warmer
Lmk if you have any and check out my bucket to see if I have anything for you. Interested in trading not buying
Rich, do you have a bucket somewhere or a list I can look at.I'd need more than just those 2 cards.
did you see anything in my bucket you would want for trade
i have a 07 topps chrome delmon young rc, is that lawrence timmons rookie a topps chrome? or regular? i dont collect the regular rookies as the topps regular brand ***** this year..lol
the Timmons is a chrome refractor

I am interested in the Delmon Bat auto.

Do you ugys have bucket or a list somewhere? and what, of mine, are you interested in?
steelernutt68 said:
i dont know the book value of the delomn young, but let me know how far on book value i am off.
the young books for $2.50 (becket on line price guide)
The Timmons books for $8
i found these topps chrome rookie refractors, thier both 07 285 andy cannizaro..and 303 jerry owens..would throw those both in?
steelernutt68 said:
i found these topps chrome rookie refractors, thier both 07 285 andy cannizaro..and 303 jerry owens..would throw those both in?
i think I;ll pass for now, thanks though