Basketball Linn to the Rockets?


Bench Warmer
Once again the owner of the Knicks has decided that his team is not near as important as his own glory. Over a mere $5 million they let Jeremy Lin go back to Houston. The first chance the Knicks have had in years to brink back the fans to the games and they blow it. I am sure there are all kinds of opinions about this, but I, for one, think this to be the blunder of the year for the NBA. Am I missing something here?
Doesn't make sense to me.
The Rockets didn't offer him insane money.

Lin is probably not as good as everyone is making out but... pay him the money and make more money back thru ticket sales and endorsements.

Knicks have been making very strange decisions over the last few years.
What got me on this was watching Mike and Mike on Letterman last night. They compared Kicks owner, James Dolan, to Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys. They allowed that both care more about their own image more than the success of their teams. And, that salary or any team decision should never be taken personal.
As reported on ESPN and other outlets, the season ticket sales were already up HUGE for this year- they made the money off him and didn't have to pay him either. Win-Win. Plus, Carmelo and Lin did not mesh well on the court. I don't think it would be wise to keep Lin and have Carmelo unhappy at his present salary and contract. Why would NY want a Dwight Howard situation? Nobody but Jerry Jones is Jerry Jones. If Dolan were like Jones, he'd have hired Phil Jackson and not Isiah Thomas. And NY would have won something meaningful by now- not a handful of games in Feb/March of a strike season.