Jags update and my article!!!


Bench Warmer
Well we are now 6-0 with a stranglehold on the NWFL. We won tonight 37-7. Sloppy first half but came though in the 2nd.

and here is my article!!! The paper was too big for my scanner so I scanned it in 4 parts.





that is freaking sweet chris

i'm glad they took a pic of you..........sexy :drool::drool::drool:

i like how they focused on your being a smart jock

You are my hero! Any chance you coming back out to SF to play?

I don't think we will this year. We will be hosting the championship game this time. I will likely be in Nevada though for the National Championship. How far away is that? Maybe you can road trip and do a little gambling with me!:cheers:
:clap:Awesome photo big guy.....what paper was that in.....I'll have to call my old lady and see if she has the paper that it's in and tell her not to chuck it......I still have 2 more weeks down here in Phoenix and I can't wait to get home.....never thought I would miss WA:lollol::lollol:
:clap:Awesome photo big guy.....what paper was that in.....I'll have to call my old lady and see if she has the paper that it's in and tell her not to chuck it......I still have 2 more weeks down here in Phoenix and I can't wait to get home.....never thought I would miss WA:lollol::lollol:

It is in the Kent Reporter and Auburn Reporter. They may still have a few around.