Feb 25, 2008 #1 L lil brettinator Bench Warmer here is my bucket, lmk if u like anything. i like ray lewis but will look at buckets
Feb 25, 2008 #2 BlackCat87 Bench Warmer got any reggie jackson,nolan ryan,babe ruth,derek lee,aramis rameriz,albert pujols, gued auto's
Feb 26, 2008 #3 L lil brettinator Bench Warmer sry man, juz sold a derek lee gu, http??s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh240/lil-brettinator/ i have some gu autos.
sry man, juz sold a derek lee gu, http??s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh240/lil-brettinator/ i have some gu autos.
Feb 26, 2008 #4 L lil brettinator Bench Warmer my bucket lil-brettinator - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Mar 4, 2008 #6 iLikePie Bench Warmer is the brooks ft? p.s. the jason hill you have is NOT a 5 color it is a 4 color and it is NOT a patch
is the brooks ft? p.s. the jason hill you have is NOT a 5 color it is a 4 color and it is NOT a patch