i want to make some trades tonigt


Bench Warmer
check out my bucket and www lmk if you see anything that you are interested in also here is a list of inserts that i will trade or sell lmk thanks



Hank Arron:

1991 Upperdeck baseball heroes #19 (X2)

Jeff Bagwell:

1991 Leaf Gold rookies #149

1992 donruss gallery of stars #GS7

1992 ultra award winners #3

1994 Fleer award winner #2

1997 Collectors choice the big show #24

1998 topps power brokers #PB8

1999 upperdeck power rally #P7

1999 upperdeck mvp power surge #P12

2000 upperdeck holographix longball legacy #LL3

2001 SPX foundations #F2

2004 upperdeck super sluggers #SL14

Albert Belle:

1996 topps profiles #3

1998 Pinnacle yard work #3

1998 pacific hoem run heroes #5

1999 finest hank arron contenders #HA4

Barry bonds:

2002 Fleer Carrer highlghts #BB4

2002 Fleer career highlihts #BB3

2005 topps home run history #BB677

2005 topps home run history #BB731

2006 topps chrome home run history #BBC 700

Miguel Cabrera :

2004 upperdeck world series heroes #WS18

2004 upperdeck power up #63

Jose Canseco:

1992 fleer all stars #24

1996 Bowmans best Refractor #57

1998 Pacific home run heroes #6

Roger clemens:

1991 Fleer all star team #10

1992 fleer smoke and heat #4

1999 upperdeck ovation curtain call #R5

2000 skybox dominion double play w/ maddux #DP6

2002 upperdeck year of the record #730

2003 upperdck superstars magic moments #MM3 (X2)

2005 topps total award winners #AW3

Joe Dimaggio:

2007 Topps 61 game hit streak game 1 #JDSF 1 (pending)

Jim Edmonds:

2002 upperdeck plus #UD54 215/1125

Andres galaraga:

1998 upperdeck decade wonder years #WY7

2004 topps hit parade #HP14

Nomar Garciaparra:

1997 pinnacle complete players #9B

1998 upperdeck wonder years #Wy8

1999 upperdeck mvp swing time #S6

1999 invincible sandlot heres #5

1999 upperdeck special report #526

2000 fleer tradition dividends #D11

2000 pacific crown collection latinos of the majors #4

2002 upperdeck big league break down #BL5

2004 upperdeck super sluggers #SL22

Jason giambi:

2002 upperdeck big league breakdown #BL11

Luis Gonzalez:

2002 ex behind the numbers #21

Vlad guerrero:

1999 topps all topps mystery finest #M25 (Pending)

1999 Crown Royle pillars of the game #12

1999 upperdeck MVP Dynamics #D10

2002 topps record breakers #RB-VG

2002 absolute memorbillia team tandems w/ jose vidro #TT-17 (X2)

tony gwynn:

2000 upperdeck ovation curtain call #CC6

2000 skybox eticket #ET9

Rickey henderon:

1991 leaf golden moments record steal #BC26


2002 EX Hardware #HW8

Todd heton:

1998 Upperdeck MVp Scouts Choice #SC10

1998 Leaf rookies and stars Home run derby #10 763/2500

1999 Skybox Thunder Unleashed #9

2000 bowman Early Indication #E7

2002 upperdeck hitting for the cycle #H20

2002 Fleer throwbacks Grass roots #GR6

2003 upperdeck superstar keys to the city W/ Patrick roy #K6

2005 topps total total Production #TP-TH

Abrey Huff:

2004 upperdeck vintage 3d sluggers #367

Reggie Jackson:

1990 upperdeck Baseball heroes #5

2001 upperdeck retro super powers #Sp1

Randy Johnson:

1997 score all score team #18

2000 topps league leaders w/ pedro #464

Andruw Jones:

1997 Score Complete Players #8B

1997 Flair Showcase row 2 #1

1999 fleer sports illustrated headliners #HL23

2001 SPX Foundatons #F5

2002 upperdeck the cashe for 755 #C2

2002 Donruss fan club Franchise features #FF-08

2003 upperdeck masters with the leather #L2

2005 playoff prestige prestigiuos pros #PP85 898/900

Chipper jones:

1998 upperdeck retro Time Capsule #TC32

1998 collcetors choice starquest #SQ6

1999 upperdeck 10th aniversary team #X4

1999 upperdeck mvp power surge #P8

1999 Invincible seismic Force #2

2000 upperdeck ovation lead performers #LP9

2000 Fleer traditio Dividends #D4

2001 upperdeck big Fly Zone #Z10

2003 upperdeck mvp Cleebration #MVP74

2003 upperdeck supperior sluggers #S2

2003 Fleer tradition lumber company #LC10

Greg Maddux:

1993 ultra award winners #22 (X2)

1993 ultra top glove #1 (X2)

1995 fleer all star w/ jimmy key

1995 ultra all star #12

1997 upperdeck star atractions #SA18

1999 stadium club never compramise #NC4

1999 topps chrome lords of the diamond #LD15

2001 upperdeck championship calliber #CC6

2003 upperdeck masers with leather #L3

Pedro Martinez:

2001 upperdeck sweet spot players party #PP10

2002 upperdeck superstar keys to the city w/ Tom Brady #K5

2002 upperdeck return of the ace #RA3

2002 topps record breakers #RB-PM

Ruben Mateo:

1999 Bowman chrome refractor diamond aces #DA5

Don Mattingly:

1988 fleer headliners #1

1991 fleer provisions #11

Mark Mcgwire:

1999 crown royal home run histoy #21

Maglio Ordonez:

2002 Fleer genuine Bats incredible #BI16

2004 upperdeck power up shining through #ST20

Andy Pettite:

2004 donruss studio studio stars #SS4

Manny ramirez:

1995 fleer provision #6

1995 sp platinum powers #PP15

1996 upperdeck dimond destiny #DD17

1997 score complete player #10B

1997 collctors chice all star #15

2001 upperdeck greatest hits#GH7

2002 EX behind the numbers #10

2002 fleer tradition lumber company #LC8

2003 fleer tradition milestones #MS11

2005 topp total foil #300

jose Reyes:

2007 allen and ginter **** Perez colection #18

Jim Rice:

2004 playof honors Prime signatures #PS-26 1965/2500

Cal Ripken Jr:

1990 fleer all stars #8

1999 incredible sandlot heroes #4

2002 upperdeck header heroes #HHCR

Frank Robinson:

2003 topps record Breakers #RB-FR

Ivan rodriguez:

1992 Pinnacle team 2000 #8

1997 Donrus silver Press proof #17 1/1500

1998 upperdeck 10th anniversary team #X12

1999 upperdeck retro distant replay #D14

1999 upperdeck ovation curtain calls #R19

2002 Topps All world team #AW-24

2004 Donruss Studio studio Stars #SS22

Scott rolen:

1998 Skybox thunder Boss 98 B18

1998 metal Universe universal language #UL20

1998 Pinnacle Lastingmemories #6

2003 topps total topps total #TT41

2003 Fleer Platinum Guts and Glory #GG3

2004 Topps All Stars #TAS20

Nolan Ryan:

1990 upperdeck baseball heroes #12

1990 upperdeck baseball heroes #14

1991 score cooperstown card #B7

1993 donruss career salute special edition #1

Freddy Sanchez

2007 allen and ginter **** Perez collection #22

Ryn Sandberg:

1997 ultra Top 30 #20

Alfonso soriano:

2004 upperdeck power up shinning through #ST55

Sammy Sosa:

1999 skybox thunder web brouser #WB9

1999 upperdeck holographics launchers #L3

1999 uppereck ovationcurttain calls #R2

2000 spx foundations #F10

2000 Sp authentic home run history #HR2

2002 EX hit and run #HR28

2003 donruss champions total game#TG25

2004 topps grudge match W/ corkey miller #GM10

Warren Spahn:

2004 upperdeck Famous Quotes #Q18

2004 sweet spot classic famous first #159 139/1958

Willie Stargell:

1998 fleer sports illistrated mvp collection #MC3

Miguel Tejada:

2005 Donruss Elite series #ES15 1447/1500

Jim thome:

1999 ud choice starquest #SQ30

Honus Wagner:

2005 upprdeck espn sports century #SC14

Larry walker:

1997 Pinnacle hit it here #1

2000 Upperdeck oation curtain call #CC17

Ted williams:

1991 upperdeck baseball heroes #30

2005 upperdeck Origins #136

Dontrell Willis:

Dave winfield:

1994 fleer golden Moment #3

Barry Zito:

2002 topps own the game #OG24 (Pending)

2007 topps allen and ginter **** Perez collection #25

Dual Inserts:

1999 Topps finest Split Screen travis Lee / Pat Burrell #SS14
sweet cant wait lmk when you are going to start the next one and also when you getthe cards back dont pm me grades they wer jus let it be a surprise and i hope that i dont throw them across the room lol

ljmaya said:
I found an 05 Leaf R+S Crusade Red jersey/250. Can I get your VY jersey for it?


sorry i traded the vince last night lmk if you see anything else for it and that is an urlacher correct? thanks

Phillyboy said:
Check my bucket and see if you like anything.

i like these lmk if you see anything for them


Roger Clemens 1985 Topps

and a lot of your pc baseball items lmk if any are available and lmk what you liked

Yes it is Urlacher. For FB I like the Sanders, Grossman, Brown.

For BB GU I like Teixeira.

LMK what you can do.
Phillyboy said:
PM me a list of the cards you like and when I get home from work tonight I'll do the same.

ok here is what like

Roger Clemens 1985 Topps

Joe DiMaggio 2001 Sweet Spot Game Bat

Ted Williams 2002 Fleer Triple Crown Home Run Kings Game Used Jersey

Rich Harden 2003 Topps 205 Autographs

Jose Reyes 2001 Topps Traded

David Wright 2001 Upper Deck Prospect Premieres