prosp. ref /500
michael macdonald
jonathan ash
reggie corona
cole bruce
jim fasano
erik averill
woods fines
chance douglass
Mark Wagner
Patrick Reilly
Nick Debarr
Adam Ricks
Scott Lewis
Tom Stoner
Karl Celinas
Gregory Porter
Chris Carter
Tyler Clippard
Gorkys Hernandez
Xfrac Prosp. /250
Patrick Reilly
Grant Psomas
Bryan Byrne
Mark Wagner
Terrance Blunt
Daniel Murphy
Mitch Atkins
Adam Cowart
Blue Ref Pros /150
Burke Badenhop
Tobi Stoner
Jr MAthes
Tommy Hanson
Chris Errecart
Gold Ref Prospect /50
Karl Gelinas
Orange Ref Prospect /25
Bryan Bass
Red Ref Prospect /5
Carlos Corporan
Ryan howard and Roy oswalt orange /25
Arron HIll,/Scott Olsen, Carlos Zambrano, Delwyn young gold /50
Lincecum ref
24 xfract blue ref and ref of rookies
and the rest reg veterans