Help with Card: Trevor Story


5.00 star(s)
I pulled this card from a pack many years ago and set it aside and forgot about it. I just came across it again.

This has all the appearance of a 2016 Topps Update GOLD card, it is supposed to be numbered of 2016, If you look at the back there is no stamp (it should numbered in silver xxxx/2016 underneath US226)

So my immediate thoughts are is there 2017 of these and 2016 are numbered and this one is not?
Is there another parallel I don't know about.

Is this more or less valuable that a normal Gold ($10.00)?

Any Trevor Story collector's out there want to trade?

Billstory front.jpgstory back.jpg
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This is a weird one. I can't find any info about it. My first assumption would be that this one just, somehow, didn't get stamped, which would mean there are still just 2016, but yours isn't numbered. That said, there's really no way to confirm that unless someone at Topps would reply to a message to you to let you know for sure.

As for value, without some kind of evidence suggesting otherwise, or if you could find someone who would pay more for it because it's different from the others, I'd assume this one would probably bring about the same as all the others.

Again, none of this is for certain. I can't find anything that suggests this was done on purpose, and can't find any others like it.