Hockey Habs "corner"


Bench Warmer
This is a thread where you can talk about anything HABS "Montreal Canadiens" Whether it be about games additions to your collection anything HABS......seeing that it is the 100th anniversary it is only fitting that they have a thread..........
And only fitting that this threads starts with all time Stanley Cup's Leader
Henri Richard 11 rings and appropriate for his auto to be on a superman logo
Best thread I've ever seen IMO.



EDIT: I can't wait for next game, I was so desperate I watched Sid The Kid vs. Ovechkin. It was pretty boring to say the least. LOL And horrible officiating.
Here is another one from my collection Hall of Famer and was sure fun to watch..........electric on the ice............
NattyBoo said:
Is this the place to post how much better they would be IF THEY WERE THE BLACKHAWKS?
Speaking of blackhawks? What do they have more of so far this season? Coaches, or wins?
Glad to see the NHL has such a huge history, this is the only year i will look at the Habs through rose colored glasses
It is the year we bring home the cup .......and let us not forget the raising of this guy's banner this year and I am glad he is coming home also..............GO HABS GO