people are idiots...if i dont put the pic in there people say im full of crap, if i put it in people will think its for sale...
slow playing it apparently...9 views 2 watchers on Collins, 13 views 6 watchers on Plunkett/Brown, 2 views 0 watchers on Ted :scratch:

had some bottom feeder offer me $20 dlvd on the Brown/Plunkett :roll: because it is an AUCTION where the opening bid is DOUBLE his offer, or a quarter of the BIN price :roll:

hoping i wake up to a little action with it tomorrow...only 55 things currently running on ebay, need the next promo to come along in the next week, figure with the amount of stuff that only ran for a week (2007 contenders, some 2009 press pass) to go along with my new purchases (2001, 2006 press pass, this higher end crap, and 2004 sage bkb) i should be able to move a bit and sell some stale stuff by association...thats the plan man..
Jim/Tim has 9 watchers
Jed 4 watchers
Ted 1 watcher

added some more decent auction autos, Cutler, Jennings, Hawk...

hope thatll spark some more interest
no bids on Jed, so ill actually have to pay for a listing, cause im going to just put it BIN/BO and see what i get, 3 of the cards out of the lot are going to sell for $60+ after fees, so who knows what will happen...