Great Box of 2022 Leaf Metal Draft Jumbo, with 5 1/1 hits! Here's what I pulled.
FT-ET1 Ezequiel Tovar Flight 2023 Press Plate Cyan 1/1 Rockies in Majors
BA-BL1 Brooks Lee Zebra Pre-Production 1/1 Twins 1st Rd 8th overall
BA-RS1 Robby Snelling Orange Prismatic Pre-Production 1/1 Padres 1st Rd 39th overall
FT-CH1 Cooper Hjerpe Zebra Mojo 1/1 Cardinals 22nd overall
T-AB1 Alec Burleson Crystal Green Encased Preproduction 1/1 Cardinals 2nd Round
BA-RS1 Robby Snelling Snake Skin 3/3 Padres 1st Rd 39th overall
Th-JC1 Jackson Chourio Mojo Black 1/4 Brewers IFA
BA-RS2 Royber Salinas Prismatic Pink 1/5 Athletics IFA
DA-16 Oneil Cruz/Termarr Johnson Prismatic Purple 7/7 Pirates IFA/4th overall
BA-BW1 Brandon Walter Prismatic Silver 3/8 Red Sox 26th Round.

Hit the target on my 2021 Prizm Break! Will be breaking on Sunday 6-4-23, about 1130 PST, just after the 2021 Prizm break at 1100 PDT.
You can still make a selection up until 1100 PDT, before the first break!
Watch live on link!
What better to start Contest 10, than with a jumbo box of 2022 Leaf Metal Draft, which contains TEN autographs or more. The set contains lot of dual and triple autographed cards!
Simple Contest...
Breaking 2022 Leaf Metal Box
Each box contains 10 autographs of which there 3 pre-production 1/1 autographed proof.
So, just guess the name of one of the players that I pull and win one of the card choices below, not one the Leaf Metal Draft cards.
2022 Leaf Metal Draft Checklist
One pick per person! Multiple winners available depending on correct choices. Card will be mailed in a PWE.
Contest activates when one of my current breaks hit the target price! Current break is the 3 Hobby boxes Panini USA Baseball plus one mystery blaster.
Also, 1 Hobby Box 2021 Prizm Draft Baseball only $9 a spot.
Hope you guys enjoy this little contest...if it goes well and no one wins; You'll get a chance in the next box.
Great Box of 2022 Leaf Metal Draft Jumbo, with 5 1/1 hits! Here's what I pulled.
FT-ET1 Ezequiel Tovar Flight 2023 Press Plate Cyan 1/1 Rockies in Majors
BA-BL1 Brooks Lee Zebra Pre-Production 1/1 Twins 1st Rd 8th overall
BA-RS1 Robby Snelling Orange Prismatic Pre-Production 1/1 Padres 1st Rd 39th overall
FT-CH1 Cooper Hjerpe Zebra Mojo 1/1 Cardinals 22nd overall
T-AB1 Alec Burleson Crystal Green Encased Preproduction 1/1 Cardinals 2nd Round
BA-RS1 Robby Snelling Snake Skin 3/3 Padres 1st Rd 39th overall
Th-JC1 Jackson Chourio Mojo Black 1/4 Brewers IFA
BA-RS2 Royber Salinas Prismatic Pink 1/5 Athletics IFA
DA-16 Oneil Cruz/Termarr Johnson Prismatic Purple 7/7 Pirates IFA/4th overall
BA-BW1 Brandon Walter Prismatic Silver 3/8 Red Sox 26th Round.

Hit the target on my 2021 Prizm Break! Will be breaking on Sunday 6-4-23, about 1130 PST, just after the 2021 Prizm break at 1100 PDT.
You can still make a selection up until 1100 PDT, before the first break!
Watch live on link!

Contest 10 2022 Leaf Metal Draft Jumbo Baseball! All cards # 10 or less!
Long known as a haven for prospect autographs, 2022 Leaf Metal Baseball enters a new chapter that adds all-time greats to the chromium rotation.While the box...

What better to start Contest 10, than with a jumbo box of 2022 Leaf Metal Draft, which contains TEN autographs or more. The set contains lot of dual and triple autographed cards!
Simple Contest...
Breaking 2022 Leaf Metal Box
Each box contains 10 autographs of which there 3 pre-production 1/1 autographed proof.
So, just guess the name of one of the players that I pull and win one of the card choices below, not one the Leaf Metal Draft cards.

2022 Leaf Metal Baseball Cards Checklist
Adding Hall of Fame subjects alongside top prospects, 2022 Leaf Metal Baseball makes some changes to the annual chromium product.

One pick per person! Multiple winners available depending on correct choices. Card will be mailed in a PWE.
Contest activates when one of my current breaks hit the target price! Current break is the 3 Hobby boxes Panini USA Baseball plus one mystery blaster.
Also, 1 Hobby Box 2021 Prizm Draft Baseball only $9 a spot.
Hope you guys enjoy this little contest...if it goes well and no one wins; You'll get a chance in the next box.
Pick the Player 10 added to Contest 11 |
Adael Amador - LarryG |
Anthony Volpe - ricky_mn |
Bret Baty - crazedfan |
Brooks Lee - Horfin |
Cam Collier - rubypup |
Cristian Santana - mm1sub |
Corbin Carroll - DaSoxFan |
Drew Gilbert - bfd13 |
Dwight Gooder - RuSu42 |
ezequiel duran - sportsmans |
Jace Jung - anglinomics |
Jackson Holliday - LeonofNJ |
Jasson Dominguez - peaceandlove |
Jesus Baez - cletus_83 |
Jett Williams - NateisMe123 |
Josh Jung - sportsmans |
Kyle Harrison - Tiggerfan |
Omar Vizguel - hooters517 |
Rachel Balkovec - erdoro |
Zack Neto - Waltdii |
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