Few questions for you national vets.


Bench Warmer
So i'm going to my 1st one this year with my wife. (she will be with me only 1 day at the show)
I am looking for PC stuff mainly. So my questions are
When you go to a table w/ boxes to look threw do you look at it then or go around the floor 1st and then go back?

If you are getting autos how long before should you line up?

Also how are people at haggling?

I'm sure i have more but getting excited so was just thinking of this stuff.
I can speak as far as autograph lines go. The tickets you have will be numbered. I try not to get in line until they call the name of the player, and get close to the number ticket you have. If you have ticket number 500 for a autograph guest and your waiting to line up with the first 50 people, your going to have a long day.
Stuff in the boxes - if you can dig up a handful of cards you want, you may be able to work a deal.

Stuff on the table - It's all about wheelin' and dealin' Don't ever pay asking price unless it's something actually worth the price.

As for Auto - Just keep your ear open when your players is going to sign and wait for them to call your group.
dont try to haggle much in the crap box...if its like 5 for a $1, if you have like 26-30 dont try to get them for less than $5, if autos are $2 each, you might be able to get 11 for $20, but i wouldnt try stretching it much further than that...
also, dont be afraid to talk with the dealers on the outskirts, not in prime locations...usually get some good stories and interesting tidbits...at the Chicago show, Dave and I spoke with a guy who had a "Moon Shots" complete set, its an Autograph Astronaut set out of some Topps product...after talking with the guy for awhile, im sure i could have bought stuff off his table at a good price...i hadnt seen anything like that before, so i was asking about it, for some guys, telling a story might get you a good discount...so be polite and it should be fun...

also, dont be afraid of the $0.25 boxes...we pulled some crazy stuff out of those last year, odd ball items, nice RCs of Eric Davis. Kirby Puckett, just all kinds of nice stuff...

if you collect a garbage player, the guys who have 10+ monsters of au/jsy on their table are lots of fun cause they have so much garbage in there...i know Dave pulled a bunch of Topps DPP Multicolor Patches at a good price...they didnt have any Boller i was looking for...
If you meet a guy the night before waiting his turn on a hooker his buddy was currently with, he will give you awesome deals.