Exquisite 101....#101 that is


Transactions: 1
Project Exquisite #101 came in today

2005 Eric Shelton 078/199 2 Clr patch...

that makes 137 exquisites owned during this project, 125 Autos :shock:

nothing fancy with the shelton, makes 11 total of them that i have now...it was $6.29 dlvd, not bad for an 05...
thats 101 in the project...then i have like 120 autos in my 'old' stuff, and probably 100 base from 06/07, and then like 20 or so jerseys/patches...

heres the scan

You should get a table at Nats next time it's in Chi-town. I will come down and help you sell :salut: (for free :secret: ) ...