Easy way to make trades.

oglesbyc said:
lol second person to ask about it today just traded it last night sorry

thats fine.. dont know much about football. can you list some of your high end cards with bv to know what to offer.
most of my high end are in my pc but can be traded for the right deal i am not sure who or what teams you are interested in

i think it bv for 30 at last that is wht i traded for it lmk if you have any bulls auto or gu in that range to offer

oglesbyc said:
i think it bv for 30 at last that is wht i traded for it lmk if you have any bulls auto or gu in that range to offer

i have a sefelosha bowman chrome rookie auto bv 40 i could do for it and something that ranges with 10-15 bv. plmk