CLOSED! DAD3309 is the winner! Quick Contest Just For Fun!

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If He Can Hold The World, He Can Hold This Moment
Staff member
5.00 star(s)
Hey friends, been watching a ton of classic baseball games from the 80s, lots of Cubs - Cardinals series, both teams had some great players and some true HOFers!

I am going to put this 8x10 that I just got last week on the block for today, George Frazier had his best seasons with the Yankees and Cubs in the late 70s and early to mid 80s, and was a favorite of mine back in the day!


Just pick a number between 1 - 30, one guess per member per day while the contest is open! It would be cool to know who some of your favorites from back then were, let me know along with your guess!!

Stop in, take a guess, have some fun!


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I will go with 26. Thanks for another great contest. I think mostly of the early 70s listening to cubs broadcasts on the am radio in the back yard with my grandfather sitting in lawn chairs. Santo, Lacock, Buckner, Pepitone, Kingman.
Numbers taken: 16, 26

Thanks so much @northicehero99 and @cornwellfamily for starting us off....those are neat memories, I think of growing up in LaGrange outside of Chicago and watching games on WGN with Gram and Gramps, or if they were not on TV, then we were like you, listening to Cubs broadcasts on radio! The front porch came alive with the next generation of Cubs: Sandberg, Dawson, Davis, Dunston, Maddux....all that talent and no World Series win to show, it was a shame.
Let's get those guesses rolling in today!! One guess per member per day!
10 thanks for the contest
Ray Fosse was my favorite player got to meet him at old municipal stadium in Cleveland once as a kid great guy with the kids
Numbers taken: 10, 12, 14, 16, 26

Thanks a lot everyone, this was a quick contest, and a great win for @dad3309@ ! Congrats friend, and Ray Fosse was a great player, so cool you got to meet him in Cleveland.....your new park looks awesome, I may be there on a ballpark tour next summer hopefully!
Thanks looking forward to adding this to the collection

You are so welcome Steve, George was a good pitcher in the late 70s and 80s, and am glad to pass this photo along to you! Got some more great summer contests coming up, looking forward to getting some more 8x10s out there to everyone on SCC!



You are so welcome Steve, George was a good pitcher in the late 70s and 80s, and am glad to pass this photo along to you! Got some more great summer contests coming up, looking forward to getting some more 8x10s out there to everyone on SCC!


He also spent a year or 2 with my Indians
He also spent a year or 2 with my Indians
Yes he did, I had forgotten that! 1984, right before he headed to the Cubs, and finally finished with the Twins in 86 and 87, winning the World Series in 1987 over his first team, the Cardinals! Baseball is an amazing game, so many connections between people!
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