can we go 12-18 months?...please?


Transactions: 1
there was a time when a 2005 Exquisite Brodney Pool would sell for $40-$60 in this time period...6 months would go by without one hitting eBay, and when one did for $30 or less id hit the BIN :shock:

i know i sold at least 4 for $40-$60 bringing them in on a $33 average, then BigBoyd started listing them like 8 months ago, about 1 per week, early on they were going $25-$30, with the occassional slipping to $10 or less and id snag it to flip at $25, did this a couple of times...

now they sell for $7-$10 dlvd and i have 29 of them with 1 coming in :wall:

id say my per-card-average is somewhere around $5 dlvd on them, so im not swimming in them like i am 2003 SP Authentic Kyle Bollers (which i bought at least 4 of for $120+) or 2003 Boller anything really...

im hoping for a Jets Super Bowl run which is won in the final seconds by a Brodney Pool interception returned for a touchdown :pray: because at this rate, i may have 40 by the time the Super Bowl gets here
had to have been, because from 05 til about a year ago, if 6 were on a year it was considered a lot...when i got 3, there was an 8 month stretch without one showing up...

its kinda like that except the other way with Jordan Palmer, hasnt been one up in MONTHs, aside from my monster im dangling out there with no interest