Bench Warmer
I am looking to mark some off my list...
Here are all the sets I am working on:
2000 Aurora Autographs
2000 Aurora Jerseys
2000 Aurora Patches /10
2000 Crown Royale Jerseys
2000 Crown Royale Rookie Autographs
2000 Omega Jerseys
2000 Omega Signatures
2000 Pacific Autographs
2000 Pacific Jerseys
2000 Pacific Jersey Patches (Not catalogued as patches)
2000 Paramount Game Used Footballs
2000 Prism Jerseys
2000 Prism Patches
2000 Private Stock Private Signings
2000 Revolution Jerseys
2000 Vanguard Jerseys
2000 Vanguard Double Jerseys /200
2000 Vanguard Double Patches
2001 Atomic Jerseys
2001 Atomic Patches
2001 Crown Royale Game Jerseys
2001 Crown Royale Autograph Rookies /250
2001 Crown Royale Autograph Signatures
2001 Dynagon Game Used Football
2001 Dynagon Rookie Autos
2001 Impressions Triple Threads
2001 Invincible Rookie Jerseys /250
2001 Invincible Red Jerseys /750
2001 Invincible Blue Jerseys /250
2001 Pacific Rookie Autographs
2001 Pacific Game Gear
2001 Private Stock Jerseys
2001 Private Stock Patches
2001 Titanium RC Patches /75
2001 Titanium Double Jerseys
2001 Titanium Double Patches
2001 Titanium Post Season Jerseys
2001 Titanium Post Season Patches
2001 Vanguard Double-Sided Jersey
2001 Vanguard Double-Sided Patches
2002 Adrenaline Jersey
2002 Adrenaline Jerseys Gold /25
2002 Atomic Jerseys
2002 Atomic Jerseys Gold /25
2002 Atomic Patches
2002 Crown Royale Triple Threads
2002 Crown Royale Triple Threads Gold /25
2002 Exclusive Jerseys
2002 Exclusive Jerseys Gold /25
2002 Exclusive Rookie Autos
2002 Heads Up Game Worn Quad Jerseys
2002 Heads Up Game Worn Quad Jerseys Gold /45
2002 Heads Update Game Worn Patches
2002 Heads Update Game Worn Patches Gold /25
2002 Pacific Jerseys
2002 Private Stock Rookie GU Footballs
2002 Private Stock Jerseys
2002 Private Stock Patches
2002 Private Stock Team Logo
2002 Private Stock Jersey #s
2002 Titanium Veteran / Rookie Jerseys
2002 Titanium Veteran / Rookie Jerseys Blue Foil
2002 Titanium Post Season Jerseys
My updated want list is located here:
I would like scans of any patch cards (price I pay is based on the patch).
Let's see them.
Here are all the sets I am working on:
2000 Aurora Autographs
2000 Aurora Jerseys
2000 Aurora Patches /10
2000 Crown Royale Jerseys
2000 Crown Royale Rookie Autographs
2000 Omega Jerseys
2000 Omega Signatures
2000 Pacific Autographs
2000 Pacific Jerseys
2000 Pacific Jersey Patches (Not catalogued as patches)
2000 Paramount Game Used Footballs
2000 Prism Jerseys
2000 Prism Patches
2000 Private Stock Private Signings
2000 Revolution Jerseys
2000 Vanguard Jerseys
2000 Vanguard Double Jerseys /200
2000 Vanguard Double Patches
2001 Atomic Jerseys
2001 Atomic Patches
2001 Crown Royale Game Jerseys
2001 Crown Royale Autograph Rookies /250
2001 Crown Royale Autograph Signatures
2001 Dynagon Game Used Football
2001 Dynagon Rookie Autos
2001 Impressions Triple Threads
2001 Invincible Rookie Jerseys /250
2001 Invincible Red Jerseys /750
2001 Invincible Blue Jerseys /250
2001 Pacific Rookie Autographs
2001 Pacific Game Gear
2001 Private Stock Jerseys
2001 Private Stock Patches
2001 Titanium RC Patches /75
2001 Titanium Double Jerseys
2001 Titanium Double Patches
2001 Titanium Post Season Jerseys
2001 Titanium Post Season Patches
2001 Vanguard Double-Sided Jersey
2001 Vanguard Double-Sided Patches
2002 Adrenaline Jersey
2002 Adrenaline Jerseys Gold /25
2002 Atomic Jerseys
2002 Atomic Jerseys Gold /25
2002 Atomic Patches
2002 Crown Royale Triple Threads
2002 Crown Royale Triple Threads Gold /25
2002 Exclusive Jerseys
2002 Exclusive Jerseys Gold /25
2002 Exclusive Rookie Autos
2002 Heads Up Game Worn Quad Jerseys
2002 Heads Up Game Worn Quad Jerseys Gold /45
2002 Heads Update Game Worn Patches
2002 Heads Update Game Worn Patches Gold /25
2002 Pacific Jerseys
2002 Private Stock Rookie GU Footballs
2002 Private Stock Jerseys
2002 Private Stock Patches
2002 Private Stock Team Logo
2002 Private Stock Jersey #s
2002 Titanium Veteran / Rookie Jerseys
2002 Titanium Veteran / Rookie Jerseys Blue Foil
2002 Titanium Post Season Jerseys
My updated want list is located here:
I would like scans of any patch cards (price I pay is based on the patch).
Let's see them.